Latest news
- 1 year in, Bass highlights accomplishments on Los Angeles tour
- Pixar Fest returns to Disneyland with new parade and returning fireworks show
- Watch a star-studded telethon benefitting Hollywood crew members this Saturday
- Lilly Butler Pronounced Dead after Head-On Crash on Highway 26 [Rio Vista, CA]
- Jose Luis Zuno Dead Following Truck Crash on Hartnell Avenue [Redding, CA]
- David Hernandez Dies in Two-Vehicle Crash on State Route 138 [Antelope Valley, CA]
- San Jose: Woman found dead at home near Coyote Creek, police investigating as homicide
- San Jose Sharks add two more players to injured reserve list
- El Cerrito: Photographer charged with raping woman during photo shoot
- Tens of thousands still waiting as California COVID rent relief program runs low on cash